AIO? Or is this weird ?

I in fact do not like that … and i really dont know how to address the situation. I just find it so confusing how an innocent conversation took an aggressive turn. I have been super dry after he said that and idek what to say anymore.. He leaves me on open once it gets to 8-9pm then responds to the conversation we were having at 4am … Is it worth it to keep this going ? Hes really nice (for the most part) and i like hanging out with him but i have no idea if this will turn into something toxic.

I in fact do not like that … and i really dont know how to address the situation. I just find it so confusing how an innocent conversation took an aggressive turn. I have been super dry after he said that and idek what to say anymore.. He leaves me on open once it gets to 8-9pm then responds to the conversation we were having at 4am … Is it worth it to keep this going ? Hes really nice (for the most part) and i like hanging out with him but i have no idea if this will turn into something toxic.