Indoor Airborne Allergies: Will Carpet Make a Big Difference
Hey! I was curious to get some second opinions! I have some relatively strong indoor allergies (I feel not like myself, I get hot flashes, fatigue, anxiety, and cannot concentrate). I've noticed in the past feeling better in houses with hardwood floors, but I've also read that if I have a good vacuum and vacuum regularly, then carpet may be tolerable.
I'm considering moving into a new apartment building where the bedroom and closet were recently re-carpeted. Do you think by vacuuming thoroughly every week and keeping an indoor air purifier that I will be able to manage / that the difference with a hard-wood floor room would be negligible?
Edit: Thanks to everyone who responded so far, I think it seems like its not worth it especially if I can find a different unit. My allergies seem to be mainly dust mites.