Would you prefer AS having revenue based or mileage based awards program?

I was reading an article, and in it, they quote Brett Catlin, the airline's Vice President of Loyalty, Alliances, and Sales, saying:

“We did research last year, a majority of guests want to earn based on revenue, its what they’re used to whether it's Sephora or an airline or a hotel, they’re compensated on the amount they spend," he said. "I’m not saying Alaska is going to go that direction, but what we’re hearing from guests is that they understand revenue, its easy, they get it, and by and large it's now a preference for our cohort of travelers”

I personally think this is BS, though could be wrong. Feels like revenue based programs are designed to make companies more money, not give value to consumers (which is why every other airline has changed).

I love Alaska for its mileage based program. However, I imagine that possibly people who only fly the west coast don’t?

What are your thoughts? Do you prefer a mileage based loyalty program or a revenue based loyalty program?
