I’m so done with these someone please I’m actually begging.

My 6 month old AirPods Max keep having issues. This is my second (/3rd) pair.

1) one earcup will lose audio and noise control (defaulting to “off) and it is always exclusively the right one with the controls and charging jack.

2) half the time they refuse to connect to my iPhone unless they are plugged in and I do a full reset every time I take them off and put them back on (even if I take them off for 10sec to just shake my hair back) although recently they have accepted to connect without being on the charger but I still have to factory reset them each time.

3) in the last 24hr they have started to disconnect and stop playing audio every 10-15min. They don’t turn off as when they do it I can still control noise cancellation and stuff but not connect. Then when I go into my phone settings to reconnect them my phone comes up with a pop up saying that it needs to forget the device and reconnect manually to work. I have tried troubleshooting and nothing worked.

Things I have tried: •updating my phone •leaving them and letting them completely die •cleaning contacts in the ear cups connected to headband •updating my iPhone.

Fuck I even shoved them in the freezer for 20min as someone suggested it and it fixed the only connecting on charger issue.

This is my 3rd pair with the EXACT same set of issues. First pair I got replaced under warranty in October last year but then the replacements had the same set of issues in February this year. So I decided to get a new pair direct from Apple and it was fine until it wasn’t. The sound on these are so good and so is the noise cancelling but they are so unreliable and prone to falling. I still have apple care on them but I don’t want to go through the whole hassle of that just for them to have the same issues in another 6 months.

Whilst writing this another issue has come to light, they constantly send pairing notifications to my phone (the popup graphic with the AirPods spinning) and won’t stop. Even with that they still won’t connect. Please I am nearly having a breakdown as I’m a collage/uni student who can’t afford to buy another pair of these

Info: iPhone 15 pro on iOS18 AirPods Max on firmware 6A326