Move Age Up to Temple?

I was thinking about it, and what are your thoughts on moving the Age Up Research to your temple?

To get to the second age, you need to build a temple, but afterwards, you can (in theory) play the entire game without a temple, which doesn't feel very on theme with a game about worshiping gods.

This would obviously change a few competitive aspects of the game, such as not halting villager production while aging up, and making your temples much more important, but I don't think those are bad changes. Let me explain my thoughts:

*I come from original AoM, to AoE4, to AoM:Retold. In AoE4, instead of aging up in your TC, you age up through building a "landmark", so you don't tie up your TC, and some of the Civs in AoE4 build a Single landmark in Age 1, the research inside of it to age up other ages. Similarly we could do that with temples.

*If temples where central to aging up (in this game, adding a new God to your pantheon), it would be a bit more thematic, making the temples to your gods more valuable. Having it (or them, if you build multiple) destroyed will delay your age UPS, so defending your temple will be more important, and targeting your opponents temples could be a tactic to slow them down, or deny an age up.

*With Temples being more central to the game, the devs could possibly add some aesthetic changes to them even, to reflect your age up choices (going back to AoE4, the Civs who build a single landmark get Towers that are added to it as they age up, each tower unique to choices they make when aging up).

What do you guys think? It may be to much of an overhaul for the devs, and maybe to moluch of a deviation from OG AoM, but I think it could be a near change, that helps set AoM apart from other more traditional AOE and RTS games?

TLDR; I think age up should be researched in the temple, to make the temple more pivotal to the game.

Edit: Spelling and Grammar