I (28F) possibly want a child in the near future, and my boyfriend (49M) feels too old to provide this. Do we find a compromise? Or do we separate 💔💔?

I never envisioned a future in which I am a mom. However, recently I have been considering the possibility of having a child in the next 1-3 years. I am not absolutely certain, but I am open to the possibility. My partner has 2 teenage children from his previous marriage, and for awhile he expressed that he would be open to having another child. However, he has recently expressed to me that he does not find it realistic to have a newborn at his age. He also went on to say that if a family of my own is something I absolutely want/need then perhaps he isn’t the right fit. He says he loves me too much to ever hold me back from the things I want out of life. I have never experienced more love, more care, more support, more generosity, or more compassion from a partner in my life; and I am terrified that I will never again find the love that I have experienced with my current partner. It is not everyday that you find such a mutually loving relationship. I fear if I leave him behind for the hope of maybe one day starting a family. I will regret it, particularly if I do not find a suitable partner to start a family with. Should I remain in a very healthy, very stable relationship and accept his children’s love as love equal to that of my own children? Or should I do the painful work of separating from him and taking time to possibly find a suitable partner to potentially have a child with? How do I navigate this emotional storm ? 💔