Boyfriend was a desperate guy before me

He's the type of guy that seems really awesome but used to follow almost a hundred Instagram models and that's initially a reason that I said no to him. Bc I followed his account and saw that he follows so many women. He said that he understood why that would deter me, so he claimed to unfollow them and questioned me later, saying that the rest were his friends. He has a best friend that he knows for a while who is, not going to lie, pretty sexy and has all of the things I would want to have. I'm falling for him more and I just hate being jealous in any way. He pays for everything for me and opens all the doors. But it seems to me this could be a type of friend that he would hypothetically "want" and not be able to obtain. And that's why he maybe ended up settling for me. Idk. I just have had a bad experience with men who have unrealistic body standards and hold close certain woman with whom I have no idea what type of relationship they have. Like I almost don't want to deal with any jealousy or insecurity. I wish I could fall for someone who has tunnel vision for me just as much as I have for them. I'm freaking sick of dating guys who have a wandering eye.

I brought up this insecurity to him because I've been cheated on in the past so that he would understand. I never bring it up to him, just once out of the 4 months of dating. Not only was i cheated on with the pretty, cool girl, my ex married her and had kids. I don't expect my boyfriend to change anything. I just need tips on dealing with this.