"Friend" not paying me back. What should I do?

So here's what happened. This guy who I once considered te be a close friend of mine invited me to go to a concert with him on new year's. He said that he could buy us both tickets now for a discounted price for two. I just had to send him the money. I told him that I don't have anything right now, since I'm still a student, and that I will buy it on my own once I get my money even if it costs more. The thing is, which I also told him, is that I might not be able to go since I was visiting my family abroad. He insisted and made a plan to buy us both tickets and said that I could pay him back later. Before he bought it I told him that I would most likely only be able to pay him back on the day of the show. He ignored my message and sent me the ticket.

For the following weeks leading up to the show, he messaged me every other day asking if I could pay him back urgently as he needed it and had financial issues. I told him that I don't have any money right now and I will pay him back asap. He kept going on so I made a plan and payed him on the 21st of December (more than a week before I initially told him I would). That got him off my back and I don't like owing people anything.

I was enjoying the holidays with my parents, so I ended up telling him that I wouldn't be able to make it to the show. He said that he would try to sell it at a discounted price and pay me the amount back. Well he couldn't find anyone, so I accepted my losses.

The day of the show he sent me a message that he gave my ticket to his cousin and is heading there now. He said that he would give me a third of the amount that I originally payed on the 10th of January. I was like fuck it atleast I could make something back from it and said it was fine.

So the 10th of January came and I messaged him asking if he sent the money. Got no response. The next day I asked him again. No response again. The next day I hit him with the infamous "?" and finally he responds. He said that he don't have any money right now and that he will only get his salary on the 25th and pay then. Me getting pretty annoyed said that it's fine as long as he just pays me back then.

The 25th came and guess what... nothing. I messaged him asking where it is and he ignores me once again. For the last 2 days be has been ignoring all my messages.

I know this is a long long meaningless ramble but I'm just so annoyed by people like that. What do you think I should do? Legal actions seems a bit much for a concert ticket lol, but I'm sick of being taken advantage of and it feels wrong to just leave it there and get fucked over once again.

P.s English is not my first language so sorry for any grammar mistakes.