How to move on with life
I left a pretty terrible relationship about 3 months ago. I’m 17 and she was my first for everything and we were together about a year and half. She showed many signs of being a narcissist. She tried to blame everything she did to me on her father her birth control and really just about everything under the sun but she never took responsibility.
She treated me terribly and never changed and I think I formed a trauma bond because for some reason I still want her even though I left her because the silent treatment drove me crazy the last time she did it. I just feel like she’s really messed up any chance I have for a truly healthy relationship in the future or to ever be myself fully again. I seem to forget everything she did and focus on the good times we had even if they were fake.
I just feel really lost right now i’ve got my whole future ahead of me but I feel stuck because of her. I know it’ll only make me stronger when I heal from it but I also feel like I might never fully heal from her. Has anyone had some similar situations that might give me some hope that i’ll get through this?