I just want to be able to tolerate life again

I work a corporate 9-5 which I dislike greatly but haven't been able to find anything else. However even considering other jobs nothing actual seems like something I want to be doing. I am only in my 20s and have been working less than 10 years so I know I shouldn't really be complaining. I also know that working in an office is better work conditions than other jobs and the pay means I don't have to worry about the lights being turned off.

However, it still feels like a war. Everyday I feel like I am struggling through the day. My only jobs have been in corporate and I haven't liked it from day one but the last few years has felt like literal torture. So much so that I frequently not existing.

I just want to be a cog in the wheel tolerating this rat race and just living my life for the next 40 years like this like most regular people but it is so tough.

What can I do to not hate the current societal structures so much and not feel like I am a second away from death everyday