Is what my dr said true?

[Backstory: I took 70mg accutane 8 months ago for acne on my face and back. I was born with a skin condition called Keratosis Pilaris. Before accutane the KP was only on my arms. Nowhere else. After accutane the KP spread to the ENTIRETY of my skin. I made a drs appointment to see if there’s any treatments for me]

I told my dr that I took accutane, he cut me off and said ‘when I was kid I was on that too. In my own opinion, it’s the worst medicine possible to be prescribed to an individual. I would never and have never recommended someone to take it. Even people with severe acne like I had.’

I explained my situation and he said the following: ‘For me, i took accutane and it worked amazingly. The side effects, sure, they were bad. But, what accutane does is very dangerous. It attacks the immune system. Since I took it as a child, I am constantly in pain and contracting things easily. I was never like that before accutane. I believe the accutane attacked my immune system so badly that it has permanently damaged it. That would also explain why your KP has spread badly. The accutane likely attacked your immune system so badly that your body is struggling to fight it off’

I’m not going to lie, what he said really resonated with me. I promise my KP was ONLY on my arms before accutane. And genuinely, since I stopped accutane it HAS spread. It’s worsened and has become unbearable.