Need help deciding to switch
So I have 3 phone lines and 1 kid's watch and one Galaxy watch, all for $180 with the military discount applied. AT&T home rep came by our place and offered $141 a month for 3 years for the 3 phone lines and 1 kid's watch and one Galaxy watch with the military discount applied. The guy said that my mom could trade in her S20 FE for a S24 Plus for $5 a month, my cousin gets a free iphone 16 Pro in exchange for his 15 Pro (although I'm very suspicious of this word and don't trust it) and I tried to clarify with the home rep multiple times if it's actually completely free and he said it is. And the phone that they would send me would be the Galaxy A6 for $3 a month, but I'll just take it's sim card and put it on my S23 Ultra. And one-time total payment sales tax for the three phones would be $160. My mom lives in Northern Virginia and my cousin lives in South California and I'm also stationed in Southern California. And I'm well aware of phone providers, especially AT&T, being shitty service and lying about its prices over the phone and home reps lying about lower total prices. So my question to you guys is should I switch to AT&T? Sorry for the long paragraph.