BRACE YOURSELVES panicked posts incoming....
AO3 appears to be down, and you know how the sub gets.
On the other hand, what were you reading when it happened? Share why you love it while we wait!
And that's a wrap folks, refresh your browser, it's back!!
Thanks to everyone who posted and taught me new AUs to look up, now go get back to your reading. And leave them kudos, and comments if you can! They thrive on that shit, seriously.
Give your writers the love they deserve!
Nope back down again. But clearly they know what's going on now, right? Don't worry, this will be a brief interlude in your fanning! (My comment about kudos and comments still stands lmao)
Keep them coming, I'm learning new things!
Seems to be up again, fingers crossed!!
I will respond to everyone tomorrow, thank you all for distracting me!
Remember, you can't usually pay a creator, but you can feed them comments and Kudos. They live for it. Have a good one!