I survived the Elan school & need help taking down the TTI industry. AMA

Everyone seems to want to know about Elan and other similar TTI's, finally, after over 20 years of dead ends and road blocks survivors of this horrific for profit industry are standing up to their abusers and will no longer be silenced. I have been blessed with being able to work with some of the strongest, bravest and most inspiring survivors and human beings out there, and not only are they standing up to their abusers to hold them accountable, but we are working together to change legislation and laws to hopefully stop this from happening to any more kids. Law suits are being filed, podcasts are being made, new documentaries are in the works and for the first time there is real hope out there. I will answer any questions to the best of my ability (unless my lawyers advise against it) I lost several peers while at Elan, Dawn Birnbaum ran away from the abuse & was murdered, Brad Glickman also ran away and was shot and died, Joe Tettleman was beaten to badly in a boxing ring when the ambulance came to take him away he wasn't breathing and we never saw him again, and almost half of kids I went there with have died from suicide or overdoses because the pain was to much and the drugs no longer number the pain enough, RIP Jaela, Alec, John, Nick, Doug, Kraigg, Lexi and on and on. I wasn't there when Phil Williams died in the boxing ring, but I do hope we find justice for Phil and all the other survivors who no longer have a voice. I also had a unique experience at Elan and knew Joe Ricci fairly well, I dog sat his dogs, was forced into child labor at his racetrack, and he asked me to work there after I graduated the program. Remember, the vast majority of staff in charge of other peoples children were just former residents with no education, not training and no degrees. We had staff nodding out from heroin in front of us for fucks sake, it was crazy.