WIBTAH If I told my cousin the truth

24 years ago my uncle was arrested for breaking into houses and stealing pills and money. During this time it also came out that he had been stealing my grandma’s oxy from her at her death bed. Naturally, my parents cut him, my aunt, and my cousin (6M) out of our life. I was 8 years old at the time. My uncle went to jail for two years.

4 years later my grandfather died and they were all at the funeral. My uncle accused my dad of trying to steal the inheritance money and his wife physically attacked my mother. This is the last time I saw them. I’ve had no interest in seeing any of them.

One month ago my cousin, now 30 years old, reached out to me inviting me to his wedding. He said he wanted to get to know his family as we are all he has. I agreed to meet with him.

It was great reuniting and we are very similar. I found out he has lived just an hour away this whole time. I was so happy.

He then asked me if I knew why our parents had a falling out. He said he had only heard about the inheritance fight. I realized he didn’t know about his father’s arrest or incarceration. I asked some questions to see if he knew or not, and it was very clear he doesn’t.

I went through old records to verify what my parents had told me. He was definitely arrested, and served the two years. He got arrested again six years later for stealing pills from a pharmacy but only got probation.

WIBTA if I told my cousin the truth about his father? He still is close with his parents. I feel very weird hanging out with him knowing the truth, and him appearing to not know anything.