Am I wrong for wanting my own individual bank account without my mom on it?

My mom tried to use my deceased dad against me (M, now 24) saying: "your daddy would be so disappointed in you wanting me off your account...," My dad had been dead for almost 3 years at that point. That pissed me off so I silently walked away, called my grandma, and got a ride to the local credit union. here is my explanation from the original post from March 25, 2024.

I (23 Male,) have had my mom on my bank account for as long as i can remember. I no longer want her, or anyone for that matter to have access to my account. For more info, I am blind and have a few relatively minor medical conditions. She, as well as my grandma say that i should keep her on the account... and then always incoherently mention something about hospitalization, but can never give a situation where access would be necessary. From what I understand, I can simply add mom as a beneficiary if the worst case scenario happened. And fortunately I do trust her with money and know that she has never and probably would never take my money. I'm just tired of not having financial privacy. Any input and advice would be welcome.