AITAH for asking my girlfriend to stop seeing our rabbi’s dog?

My (22M) girlfriend (22F) has a very close relationship with our rabbi’s dog, who for the purposes of this post we will call Leaf. She texts our rabbi multiple times a day asking for pictures of Leaf, updates about Leaf, and will often drive to his house in the middle of the day just to see Leaf. I am worried that her feelings for this dog are more than platonic; at the very least I believe she is emotionally cheating on me with Leaf.

Last night, I asked my girlfriend to stop seeing Leaf. I basically told her it was me or the dog. She started crying, and told me I was being insane. That she and Leaf had absolutely not done anything more than platonic, except Leaf sometimes does try to hump her but that’s what dogs do. She accused me of ruining Hanukkah. She slept at her mother’s last night and she won’t respond to my texts.

I just don’t know what to do. I once asked her if it was me and Leaf hanging off the side of a mountain who would she save, and she said she would have to think about it. It’s all just a little weird, and it’s getting in the way of our relationship. But AITAH for telling her she shouldn’t see Leaf anymore?