AITA I’m thinking of breaking up with my bf because of what he did to my dog?

I got my 2 year old German Shepherd spayed and one of the forms I sign said if they found she was pregnant they would still spay her and that would terminate the pregnancy. I signed think thinking there wasn’t any way she was pregnant. When the vet finished with the spay they told me she was pregnant but it was pretty early on and they still did the spay. I was shocked because I don’t allow her with any male dogs that aren’t neutered. I couldn’t think of when she could have had the opportunity. I was advised not to spay her too soon because of joint issues in German Shepards.

When my bf found out he was so mad. He had been telling me spaying or neutering ruined dogs and made them not have any drive. I have no idea why he thinks that but I did it anyway. He wouldn’t talk to me for like a week. It’s been a few months and yesterday a man knocks on our door and asks for my bf. I stay in the living room and overhear him ask my bf where his puppy is and my bf said I spayed and terminated the litter. He promises the man he will give him the money back and I go to ask him what on earth he means. He tells me my bf had my dog mate with his German Shepard and he was suppose to be getting one of the puppies. I was shocked and yelled at my bf for doing that when he knew I intended to spay her and never breed her. He was always telling me she deserves to have her bloodline passed on but I never through he would do this. He said the guy was lying as he was returning cash to him as apparent he had prepaid for a puppy. I’m so mad he won’t even admit it and I’m thinking of breaking up with him. But we have been together for 3 years and are talking about getting engaged. My mom thinks I should try to forgive him as I’m getting older and can’t afford to wait much longer for kids. He has an ego and thinks he is always right but I cannot believe he would do this.

Edit: thanks everyone for commenting. I think my instincts are correct and this is a really bad sign. I’m moving out and staying with a friend. Ill tell him on Monday after I finish moving as he left for the weekend and I don’t want him interfering. I don’t know what to do about the lease as we still have 4 months left but I’ll talk to the landlady.