6.5 year old Social butterfly and adhd


I’ve been navigating a possible ADHD diagnosis for my 6.5 year old daughter. She’s shown signs of adhd since a young age (we’ve always noticed but kept it to ourselves as it’s hard to diagnose before age 5?) but her grade one teacher this year specifically asked us about doing more formal behaviour observations from councillors (with which we would take to a doctor or Pediatrician) as she thinks our daughter is fully capable but is missing a lot of information in class due to her lack of attentiveness and major distraction. The teacher stated that ‘most of her distraction is due to her drive to be social’. She is constantly talking, getting up from her seat, has wandering eyes or is wanting to play with friends during class instructional time. We notice the same thing with extra curricular activities (swimming, soccer, gymnastics). She definitely has a lack of focus during instruction but she is also always looking at her friends and smiling or talking instead of listening to the teacher as where most of the other kids are listening. Then she has no idea what is going on and doesn’t seem to care and does her own thing. She has a laundry list of friends, has been invited to many birthday parties so far already and is invited for weekly play dates. She’s always been social and has never had a problem making friends. She is always, ALWAYS talking, laughing , even at home here with my husband and I. We can barely get a word in. lol From what I’ve read, a majority of those with adhd are usually opposite, they lack the social skills and have trouble making and maintaining friends. (Although they may never stop talking with those they are comfortable with?) I know that there is always an outlier and it could be that is my daughter.
I guess I’m looking for those in this group with a formal diagnosis that sound similar to my daughter. Could this just be the age she is at and it possibly may change as she gets older. Has medication changed how social you are? Any insight is helpful or just your own experience! I know medication has come a long way and I’m not necessarily opposed to it but just trying to educate myself if medication is what’s best for my daughter. I have nobody in my social circle that can relate to this or gain any advice from. Thank you!