My therapist suggests I have ADHD

I (36f) have had a lifelong battle with depression and anxiety. I am diagnosed with Bipolar 2. I've finally found an amazing therapist, and today we were talking about how my mood has stabilized and he asked what interests I planned to start taking part in again. I told him I would love to start reading again but that I can't make myself concentrate. I'm very creative but I cannot apply it most of the time. I can barely focus on a movie or TV show. This happens about 90% of the time I try. In school, I qualified for most of the honors classes, tested very well, had a fairly good ACT score, and had perfect attendance except one semester. I walked away with a 2.4 GPA. I've never really put it all together until we discussed it today. I have questioned my Bipolar diagnosis since day one. My "manic" episodes are never dangerous or expensive or life threatening decisions. They're simply days or weeks when I feel better. Better able to handle things. Happy.

I guess I'm writing this for advice and suggestions. I'm not sure what (if anything) to do next.