I think the league community will have an aneurysm seing how strong ADC are in others moba like Dota 2
I just tried dota 2 cause i took a break until riot do smth about adc, the game is fun even if the gameplay is not for everyone (most league players will not like it), one thing the game do better is that they have an actual vision so every class/role as a whole is pretty balanced outside some champions outliers.
Legit, early game you are a minion like in league but you already have some peel, to make a comparison i will use Drow Ranger which is their Ash, instead of a utility vision she have a janna toranado that also silence people from lvl 3.
Then once she scaled she have like 2 time the range of ash (cause she get range with items) and have 5 Auto Attack per seconds i could melt team by myself like old twitch and i still had my self peel + a new self peel ability (cause you can unlock abilities once you scaled enough).
All adc played in the bot role are like this, you even have actual playable melee adc if that your thing (no nilah doesn't count as she is only a ultra niche counterpick since league is not made for melee adc to work).
It's kinda felt rly weird to be so strong, i was wondering how adc are kept balance in their pro play but the 10 years veteran that introduced me to the game said they were balanced with various thing (including the fact you are usless until some items), but one thing is sure, ADC rule the late game and are the most important role of the game if it's reach and are not even that team reliant when they reach it.
You also have a weird galeforce which push you and the opponent away.