Does any one else recall reading this absurd-sounding story?

I remember reading this account sometime after 9/11, in print, but I absolutely cannot remember where. It's probably the closest approximation to an amusing story from that day. In any event, I'd like to know if anyone else recalls it, hopefully it's not a Mandela Effect delusion.

It went like this, to the best of my recollection: a homeless man was dead drunk in the basement of a small commercial building a couple blocks away from the WTC, and somehow managed to sleep through the whole thing. When he woke up/regained consciousness in the late morning, the basement was filled with dust. He staggered out to the street and found it deserted with dust everywhere. He thought to himself Well, I must be dead, and this is the Afterlife ... at which point a police officer came into view and told him to scram.

Does it sound familiar?