Avene cicalfate is a god send!!! And it’s £9

Hey guys!

I had to share this: I don’t actually ever do posts like this. But I had to tell y’all!!

So I had a chemical peel a few months ago and I wish I’d have known about this product. My chin area seemed like it just wasn’t healing, I had patches on my skin that were dry, redness, and just generally a mess. I realised I wasn’t giving my skin time to heal from the chemical peel before I started using actives again. (I started using actives again 3 weeks after I’d done the chemical peel.

Please try the Avene cicalfate! I actually think this is better than the cicaplast by la Roche and even the Dr jart skin barrier repair cream.

It has zinc, so if you have any issues like fungal, demodex or just generally a mess. THIS IS FOR YOU!!

Please let me know what you think of this cream, if you’ve used it before or are using it still?

I’ve used hundreds of creams since I started my skincare journey when I was 15 (im 30 now) and this absolutely blows them all out of the water.

Thank me later! It’s honestly a god send!

Hey guys!

I had to share this: I don’t actually ever do posts like this. But I had to tell y’all!!

So I had a chemical peel a few months ago and I wish I’d have known about this product. My chin area seemed like it just wasn’t healing, I had patches on my skin that were dry, redness, and just generally a mess. I realised I wasn’t giving my skin time to heal from the chemical peel before I started using actives again. (I started using actives again 3 weeks after I’d done the chemical peel.

Please try the Avene cicalfate! I actually think this is better than the cicaplast by la Roche and even the Dr jart skin barrier repair cream.

It has zinc, so if you have any issues like fungal, demodex or just generally a mess. THIS IS FOR YOU!!

Please let me know what you think of this cream, if you’ve used it before or are using it still?

I’ve used hundreds of creams since I started my skincare journey when I was 15 (im 30 now) and this absolutely blows them all out of the water.

Thank me later! It’s honestly a god send!