French is just Spanish with stupid accents, we should get rid of it!
So I need to be able to speak both languages in my job, which is nice and easy, as they really are nothing more than a little Latin with an attitude.
On the other hand, writing a few sentences in french is a pain somewhere right next to my worst headache ever.
My Idea: We should get rid of it and replace it with spanish, so our kids won't need to worry what the hell an accent circonflexe is and who tf would ever need it just to write sth wtf.
While even easier to learn, Pablo also has a few accents, but they have a better vibe like acento enfático for example. And he doesn't care if we use them, or not.
Also Pablo does not pretend to not understand your slight mispronounciation unlike Pierre, so in terms of efficiency I say we should get rid of the french language, it's basically overambitious spanish anyway; and nobody really needs it, let's be honest!
Main goal in terms of efficiency would obviously for everybody to speak German, and finally using FAX again, but we have to take one step at the time I guess.
So, let's discuss: Do we really need French in our lives? Think about your kids!