SO Nervous!
This is more venting than ranting. I just wanted to say that I am having my second baby girl this Tuesday (scheduled C-section), and I am so incredibly nervous. My first born is 14 months, and she is my everything. I am worried about the unknown and how our decision to have this baby will change all of our lives. I am worried my daughter will be upset with me or confused. I am worried about her being away from me while I am in the hospital (we have never been apart). I am worried about her not liking her sister, or how her new sister will impact her life and routine at home. I am an introvert myself, and I fear that I won't be able to take care of both babies and the house on my own without help- which would mean my mental health could really suffer. Etc.
I wanted to spend these last couple of days in the present moment, enjoying the life the 3 of us have built together before the inevitable chaos begins, but I can't seem to settle down. I have been exhausted and drowsy all day long, and now I have insomnia. Does anyone else feel this way? I would also love to hear any words of wisdom that could help me calm down and help me enjoy these last couple of days!
Most of all, thanks for listening.