Suppressor Ready Bolt gun? Sub $500
I'm sure this question has been beaten to death, but I have an underlying motive behind it.
I want to start by saying I have a dozen 22lr's, half semi-automatic, and the other half pump, lever, and break-over. Not a single one is a solid bolt action model of any kind. The main goal would be a sub-sonic tac driver of a rifle.
The top 4 I have narrowed down would be
Savage B22 FV-SR
Savage Mark ii FV-SR
Ruger American Rimfire
CZ 457
Now to the problem. The Savage B22 is non-existent. I cannot find one anywhere in stock online or even used in pawnshops. Was there a recall or something or is this gun so popular that it is bought out all across the country? I prefer this version over the looks of the Mark ii, and that's really the only reason. I do have these 2 rifles above the other as I have had Savage rifles before and according to many reviews, their accuracy is outstanding. The Ruger American is the tempting little brother to the Ruger Precision, however, I have heard some not-so-great accuracy out of these, but have no personal experience. The CZ is highly praised but again, not personal experience and tbh, not a huge CZ fan in general (mostly 12ga shotguns.)
So what say you? Any options I may have missed? Why is the B22 on so much of a backorder? Why are my personal opinions wrong and I should have searched the Reddit for this exact discussion?