Jagex's response wasn't good enough

Jagex's response to this drama was lukewarm and insincere, the fact that only a small portion of the playerbase received this survey and none of its contents were publicly stated by jagex prior is proof they wanted to sneak this by us.

This is step 1, the next step is something less extreme that they think the community will be more accepting of just because it isn't this.

Membership prices have already been hiked a ridiculous degree and these proposals, even if they are purely hypothetical as Jagex claims, are obscene and disgusting forms of monetization, literally some shit EA does in their games, plastering ads while also charging exorbitant prices.

We pay a premium fee for our singular characters while other MMO players pay only a few dollars more with access to far more, in some cases, dozens more characters.

We deserve 2 characters per membership at no additonal cost at least, what we pay is already so much higher proportionally than other MMO communities. I'm not suggesting that they implement that, I'm just showing how we are bled dry enough.

We pay these high fees because we love this game, both for its content and it's integrity, and these proposals have permanently shaken my faith in the integrity of Jagex's corporate owners, and the community at large's as well, their statement was not an apology, it was an acknowledgement of them being caught in the act.

Finally, I am not blaming ANY of the individual J-Mods for this, this is very clearly a corporate and investor decision and it is not up to the developers how these things occur, I'm very glad that the update was posted on a new osrs reddit account and not by a J-Mod because they would receive an insane ammount of undeserved hate, no hate to the devs. I know this is probably equall distressing and stressful to you.