This paradise more beautiful than home.
Thank you for coming with me.
This place is beautiful. Love it.
I enjoyed today. Been a long-time.
Leave me alone, I'm not their.
A man only...
At the beach, taking in sun..
Honestly, just let me be please...
I hope destroying me fixed you.
I wish you knew how emotionally drained I am from our separation. I really, really need you.
I told you... I needed you...
I told you.. I needed you..
You’re a fucking coward
Please don’t
i miss my baby
Remember?, We danced to titanic song...
Dont want to be here no-more
Im not there, stop stalking me
Im not there, leave me alone
What’s the biggest dating red flag that people always ignore?
An apology would be good atm
Do not ignore your instincts ladies!
Remember this, next time you abuse or threaten someone "you love"
I just wanted to be loved.
Im at the beach. Where you?