Tie Breaker for baby girl name
How would you answer the dreaded "Give me a fun fact about yourself"?
What Excel tricks would you teach novices if you were giving an Intro To Excel class?
Is this colostrum normal? 37 weeks
Y’all. It’s always the oval or almond option.
What are you favourite L baby names?
It's a girl! Name #4
Does anyone else take their toddler to BabyBallet? Do they enjoy it?
Any clues here for either boy or girl? 12+5 at the time of the scan.
At what age did you meet your spouse?
Just a reminder that this is what makeup looks like in direct sunlight! Pores, hairs, dry skin, all normal!
Do these count as tragedeighs 😂
Okay this is dumb but my daughter has this silvanian families vanity with an eyeshadow palette. I love it so so much, does anyone know if there is a similar eyeshadow palette?
Baby names
Extensions on a baby
What American comedy shows would you recommend?
Is anyone else past 40 weeks and still not dilated??
Attemps to send an Evri return ending in a multi-town treasure hunt
Those with a baby and a kid that goes school/nursery. How do you do it?
Colostrum Harvesting
Having to have 2nd 20 week scan
Baby shower for baby 2?
Who remembers this?
At what age did you stop using white noise at night?
Can’t afford daycare, can’t afford not to work…