Struggling with boss fights?
What's a video game that will forever be in your heart no matter what age you reach?
** UPDATE ** i roommate not closing garage door after themselves
Rate my cat!
Few things on maps
Honey The table is served 🐷
AIO to my boyfriend’s response to my hysterectomy?
Having to tolerate everybody's dog everywhere, all of the time.
PSA - there are icons on the map showing armor recipes
What to do about Wessex water price increase?
Just saw a “real time” video of the attacks I’m so shocked
How to harvest arks
Brennig GlassTail help
Why Turks/Turkiye still have a positive image in the UK?
What is it with people and alcohol?!
After 10 hours of zooming the whole map, I am done.
Can I call the text the book is because of emotional abuse?
This game is beautiful, but...
I'm so glad this game had a free demo.
How long is it?
"Not knowing US states is comparable to not knowing European countries."
Boomer carrying Trump flag hurled slurs at my sister and her wife during their wedding
Favorite armor to wear?
Daytime Babadook nightmare