What do I do?

My (21) boyfriend's mother (42) hates me. To be honest I (20) am full aware that I have an attitude and I look at the world a little darker than most people. But I just don't know what to do. For context when my boyfriend and I started dating they started asking me the standard questions a parent would. I'm all for honesty so I told her about how my family isn't the best and that there were some problems with my upbringing (because there was Trauma, Abuse etc.) She didn't like that and ever since then there was issues. Her now husband was in prison for abusing his ex-wife (although they claim it was false imprisonment). Due to that my boyfriends mother assumes I'm going to put my boyfriend into jail and I'm going to say he hit me. Which I wouldn't because of how I grew up. We've been together for year. She's never given me a chance to talk to her about her issues. She's cut off her son. When he got into a car wreck she was there and made him choose between me or her. On top of this she has his grandmother and his step-dad telling him to leave me constantly. They kicked him out so now he lives me with me and I guess I came on here as a last straw. My family and friends tell me to roll with the punches but all of these problems have led to my fear of abandonment to rage and my anxiety to spike. I love him but I'm so scared about what could happen. I just don't know what to do. help?