Stats that got me (int'l student) a full scholarship at Northwestern
I will delete it very soon so I can post about my unrequited love without anyone recognizing me so you should save it!
Demographics and Stats:
• Low Income
• Annual income: US$5.8K
• Latina American White(from a favela)
• GPA: 9.64/10; RK: 3/217 (Public school, country's most traditional school)
• SAT: 1470 (RW: 770; MATH: 700)
• Cisgender, Straight (I don't know if it is relevant just putting here)
• Detail: received help from 2 CBOs (one from my country, and one from USA)
Created and distributed educational boardgames to public school teachers, partnership with LatAm biggest public elementary ducation system;
Marketing intern at a NGO focused on giving econ and politics classes to marginalized youth, 1M increase in visibility (no ironically I thought decreasing this number bc I was worried they wouldn't believe, so I put confirmation in the additional info)
Partnership with LatAm biggest physics institution to teach quantum mechanics through Minecraft
Project focused on creating scientific instruments with low cost materials to poor public schools
Debate Society's President (Brazil's first debate society, but I didn't found it)
Institute for Youth in Policy Fellowship
Brazil's first academic opportunities website, mentored by UNESCO-UNEVOC (founder and catalogued 130 academic opportunities)
Worked at the gabinet of a Congressman devising political marketing strategies to underrepresented candidates (2/3 were elected)
Project focused on teaching English through news while combating fake news (it was in the pandemic)
School orchestra Mentored 5 pianists (reading music, technique, etc.). Assisted director w/ music selection. Played across state for 2K+ ppl (incl. politicians)
Honors: Business Case Winner, International Economics Olympiad [Winter Challenge, top 2%, 150 teams]
International, Post-graduate
Innovation Award Winner, Tocando em Frente NGO [Edu track, top 2.5%, 40 teams, highest ranking girl National, 12
Winner, Ethics & Anti- Corruption Essay Comp, Drugs & Crime UN Office [top 1.5%, ~1.4K ppl, only BR] International, Post-graduate
QS ImpACT Best Student SDG Project Award [1 out of 300] International, Post Graduate
Published Policy Brief, Policy Insights #5, Geneva Grad Institute [1st HS std to ever be published]
(Put 15 scientific medals at the additional information, some published papers)
• Personal Statement (9/10): Talked about life growing up poor in a socially vulnerable area and at a underfounded public school. Then, getting accepted into a prestigious public school but loosing father to brain cancer + dealing with the house's finances + helping grandmother graduate high school + how the boardgames my father gifted me as a kid were my only source of access to quality education
• Why Us (10/10): Hook was about how people from my new school said that I talked like a criminal, and how I want to make education embrace everybody (Applied as a Social Policy and Learning Sciences student). Finished talking about visiting the Japan Club to talk about Tokusatsu
• Paint the Rock (6/10): Talked about growing up being compared to my twin sister, and how I will see everybody by their true colors
• Project Supp (9/10): Talked about reforming my country's national curriculum.
• Math Teacher (5/10): have no idea about what she wrote
• Geography Teacher (6/10): she told me she talked about when I presented a Myanmar project drawing stick figures
• Counselor (7/10): hmmm nothing to add
• Extra (?/10): Coordinator at a Summer Program I did