Is traditional marriage extreme expectations?

I don’t live in an Islamic country, and I wasn’t raised in a very Islamic household. Islam wasn’t a big part of my life until the past 6 months.

Yet I climbed fast, gained alot of knowledge, went to lectures and masjid, hit my prayers, stopped doing all the haram I could. I changed completely.

I was in a relationship, but prayed for guidance and ended up leaving a ( what felt like a good relationship) because I ultimately realized he couldn’t be the husband I wanted ( he was Muslim but too westernized), and I will assume Allah realized I needed different and allowed me to see his true colors.

Yet I still feel a sadness and regret, what if I was just being too extreme in my standards? Most of our arguments were because of issues with other woman. I don’t speak, follow, or interact with men. He on the other hand, would follow and like provocative photos, speak to woman ( as friends), walk them home, and a bunch of other minor things I didn’t like. That was our main issue. But I started so many issues because of this, and we broke up because of it in the end. I fear I was being too strict on him? Because he had good also, he tried to work on our problems but I kept wanting to leave from the start.

Yet I want my future husband to not let me worry about these things, I became insecure of myself and look. But is this something unavoidable in this world?

I strive to be the best, shouldn’t I be met with the best also? A family fearing of Allah, and doing EVERYTHING in our power to have an Islamic core marriage. Following the Hadiths, and Quran about rules. Praying, reading Quran, not caring about such miniature things in this world ( he enjoyed too much dunya) I changed him so much, but then as soon as we ended he went back to his ex that also enjoyed the dunya too much. I

I fear I’m the issue and I was too hard on him and my expectations.

I’ve been waking up tahajjud since the break up, I’ve gotten way closer to Allah so I know he was holding me back in some way.