Haulers don't handle hunger and thirst well.

Today I built a network of small water tanks and small storages spread around distant areas of my base, thinking of supplying my hauler beavers with easy access to water and food so they would not get many speed debuffs through the day and hauling large amounts of resources there would be more efficient. This turned out to be a big mistake.

I just watched a hauler make a food delivery to a far away location. Having become thirsty and hungry on the way up there, the hauler in question proceeded to drop off the food after arriving, and then immediatly departed, ignoring his needs for water and food before starting a long and dragged out journey back to the very first water tank I built in this run, where it finally decided to have a sip of water. That was his entire day.

Do I have to build district crossings if I want to have a little bit of efficiency, or is there another way to make beavers drink/eat from the nearest location?

EDIT: Not just haulers, it seems builders behave in the exact same manner, and probably consider distance to their workplace rather than distance to themselves when selecting a place to eat/drink.

EDIT2: On further observation, it seems that decentralized storage works pretty well when used for lumberjacks, metal scavengers and processing buildings, as they only return to the housing area at the end of the day rather than every few hours. They finish their current task then go satisfy their needs, usually twice a day.

Setting up food and water storage near the houses is good because they immediatly go for them after waking up if they get hungry/thirsty overnight, then only need a refill during the day. If food/water is available near their workplace then they will get it from there and continue their business as usual until the end of their work hours.

But beavers that constantly walk through the map behave in a weird manner. Haulers in particular tend to start tasks near the end of their workday, and then proceed to go on a long walk while thirsty, hungry and exhausted, which reduces their sleep time and feeds a vicious cycle. I guess that is a good reason to go for bots early.