I wasted my time defending Sara.
When people called Sara performative because she accepted Ben's proposal, I argued that Ben told her he shared her values but "just don't really know how to intelligently talk about it", so she gave him a chance to show her in action.
When people said she should have ended it earlier, after realizing how misaligned they were, I said going to the altar is just how the show works.
When people were bothered by her laughing at the altar when he asked to keep dating, I linked this article where Sara says she and Ben had discussed saying no at the altar beforehand and she was just caught off guard.
She says in the interview,
"And so we were on the same page, and he knew coming in what I was going to say [...] I was shocked he asked that there. And also me saying no to a marriage, why would I continue dating someone? If you're going to say no to that, why even continue the relationship?"
But then the reunion came, and Sara told us how she not only continued the relationship but invited Ben to move in with her in Nashville.
So, I must apologize to everyone I debated with. You guys were right. Turns out Sara was never that bothered by the misaligned values, lack of political curiosity, TikTok allegations, or chronic alleged amnesia.
The only thing she actually cared about, the only thing that got her to stop talking to him, was getting broken up with via text.